The Communications team plays a central role in the culture and activities of the Gallery, designing and implementing effective strategies to raise the profile and reach of the brand; promote its wide range of activities and develop new ways to engage with new and existent audiences.
The current core team consists of an Interim Head of Communications (IHoC) and a Communications Manager (CM) with this post being offered as a fixed term contract to offer invaluable support across the department. Additionally, the team works with an external PR agency and a freelance graphic designer.
The Communications Assistant (CA) works across the team, supporting all activity with an emphasis on exemplary co-ordination and timely delivery of social media content, PR and marketing materials, production scheduling and general administration duties to best ensure efficiency of the department and excellence of output. The role is predominantly line managed by the CM with overall direction from the IHOC.Conditions of work
- Contract: Fixed-term, 9 months
- Salary: £24,500 per annum
- Hours of Work:Full time, Monday-Friday 9:30am-5:45pm, with one
hour for lunch. - The period of notice is 2 months in writing on either side
- Probation period: 1 month
- Due to the nature of the job, some early morning, evening and weekend
work will be required, as well as occasional travel. This will be
compensated by time off in lieu.
To apply
Please complete the application form and equality & diversity monitoring forms, available to download and return to by 10:00am on Tuesday 18 July 2023.
The Whitechapel Gallery strives to be an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. We particularly encourage applications from Black, Asian, ethnic minority, LGBTQIA+ and/or disabled applicants as these groups are currently underrepresented in the Arts sector.
Charity number: 312162 Company number: 4093862